Videocreación en Galicia: una cartografía
Throughout the month of September, the Cervantes Institute's Vimeo channel becomes a space where cinema, video art, video clips and other models of audiovisual creation of imprecise definition converge, since it is especially in these tangential territories, in these intersections, where experimentation and the development of new audiovisual languages are more propitious. The cycle "Videocreation in Galicia: a cartography" shows this month -thanks to the collaboration between the Cervantes Institute and the Intersección festival in A Coruña- a collection of works by Galician contemporary audiovisual artists. This month, thanks to the collaboration between the Cervantes Institute and the contemporary audiovisual art festival Intersección in A Coruña, a collection of extremely heterogeneous pieces, whose common points are, on the one hand, their will to overcome or reinvent the limits of audiovisual language; and, on the other hand, to have formed part of this Galician festival with an international vocation, which seeks to accommodate and disseminate the new voices of audiovisual creation. From the work of Alberte Pagán, who plays with the projection of roots on the live recording of an anti-fascist demonstration, to the rhythmic and vibrant video creations of the DSK collective, passing through the animated satire of David Fidalgo, the viewer will find a wide spectrum of videos of remarkable singularity. In short, "Videocreation in Galicia. A cartography" forms a space as singular as it is necessary, since it makes room for borderline and little-traveled cinematographic languages, whose authors are undoubtedly called to renew the possibilities of audiovisual language and experimental cinema in our country.