Cultural activities

Foco Ignacio Pardo (1985-2004)

Foco Ignacio Pardo (1985-2004) Ignacio Pardo

The reasons most present in his work refer to the putrefaction of the flesh, usually through flies or other scatological elements, viscera or blood. He is also interested in suffering and pain, captured either through nails that wound the flesh, scissors that amputate it, or through a frenetic montage, violent at times, which makes the images collide in the human eye. The erotic and the sexual are shown in a rather biological way, without resorting to pornographic or sensual images: sexuality as a natural element is present in his work (both penetration and sexual organs), but generally wrapped in a humorous tone that nullifies its erotic potential and ends up generating an abstract perception of the sexual on a plane close to the contingent: everything, absolutely everything, will eventually die and sex does not cease to be the origin of more death. However, it is not framed within an apesadumbrist current, in the baroque manner of tempus fugit, but rather, with much humor, there is at the center of his work a great joy for living: as if he reached an enlightened vision of reality, already back from the one of life, and -knowing and accepting extinction as a natural part of life- decided to live uninhibited, celebrating every moment, including the instinctive and the lascivious in the vital normality, away from puritanical orthodoxies.

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