Indian Hispanists' Forum
Tribuna de Hispanistas indiosThe Tribune is back. We will once again have several Indian Hispanists who will present on some of their study topics in their conferences. The presence of Spanish in India has had a spectacular development in recent decades. From being a practically unknown language, beyond the scope of Hispanicism, it has become a favoured language: a new popular image of culture in the Spanish language that did not previously exist has been consolidated. As Professor Ganguly (one of the country's pioneer Hispanics) has pointed out, throughout the second half of the 20th century, culture in Spanish was represented especially by figures such as Federico García Lorca and Pablo Neruda. Starting in the 1970s, Latin American writers such as Gabriel García Márquez, Jorge Luis Borges, Mario Vargas Llosa and Isabel Allende, among others, were added to these figures. Now, with the introduction of cable television, the appearance of the internet and the emergence of dozens of channels, both Indian and foreign, popular culture in the Spanish language has also emerged with force, especially through Latin music, flamenco, television series and films in the Spanish language or the new love for sports such as soccer, which creates a clearer image of a world that speaks Spanish and plays an important role in international relations. With the series of conferences that constitutes the Tribune, Hispanic scholars from all Universities will be invited to present research topics in the field of Hispanic philology studies in India.