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Historical and cultural confluences in the poetry of Mohammad Iqbal: Reinterpreting the Andalusian legacy through his poems written about Spain

Historical and cultural confluences in the poetry of Mohammad Iqbal: Reinterpreting the Andalusian legacy through his poems written about Spain Tribuna de Hispanistas indios

Mohammad Iqbal also known as Allama Iqbal is among the great literary and philosophical figures of the 20th century. He is perhaps the only Indian literary figure who, upon visiting Spain, wrote verses about it. Despite all the attention and admiration that Iqbal has received, whether in the Indian subcontinent or in the world at large, one gets the feeling that his works have not yet received the kind of critical attention and appreciation they deserve in Spanish-speaking countries, especially those related to Spain. The paper explores the historical and cultural confluences in Mohammad Iqbal's poetry, focusing on his reinterpretation of the Andalusian legacy through the poems written on Spain. 

About Dr. Nabiel Ansari 

 Dr. Nabiel Ansari is a professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies at Nehru University. His doctoral thesis is on the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. He received the Erasmus Mundus MULTIELE scholarship, awarded by the European Commission for the course “Learning and teaching Spanish in multilingual and international contexts” in 2010. He is the editor of the magazine “Hispanic Horizon” and co-author of the book “Teach Yourself Spanish” and various articles in international magazines such as ForLingua

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