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Perspectives on teaching and learning Spanish grammar in the context of ELE in India

Perspectives on teaching and learning Spanish grammar in the context of ELE in India Tribuna de Hispanistas indios

The Head of the Department of Hispanic Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Dr. Gaurav Kumar talks about his experiences as a pedagogue. From a pedagogical point of view, one of the aspects that can promote effective teaching of the Spanish language in the Indian context is to establish learning patterns for Indian students of Spanish as a foreign language. They build a specific interlanguage in their learning process, since they study Spanish after having acquired their mother tongue, secondly another language from their environment and subsequently the official language taught in a school that is mostly English. The present research analyzes the written production of Indian university students, with the objective of detecting, describing and explaining their errors, under the broad categories of lexical, morphosyntactic and orthographic errors, thus establishing patterns that can help teachers improve their focus on teaching Spanish in the Indian context.

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