Cultural activities

Diverse Encounters. LGTBIQ+ short films

Diverse Encounters. LGTBIQ+ short films Borja Muñoz Gallego y MGC / LA CRÉME. Diseño IC: Lola Montero

The Instituto Cervantes programme dedicated to gender diversity has an annual event with this cycle of short films that deal with different approaches to the LGTBIQ+ reality, and which are being shown as part of the celebration of Pride. For this series, Madrid's Pedro Zerolo Cinemateca has selected seven works that revive the militant and awareness-raising spirit of this Spanish activist, whose political career supported the passing of the same-sex marriage law. In addition, the programme is supported by Exterior Es Diverso, the platform created by LGTBI personnel of the Spanish Foreign Service, as well as their partners and families.

The cycle "Diverse encounters. Short films LGTBIQ+" captures the life stories that serve to highlight people of all ages, and especially those who have had to flee their countries because of their sexual orientation. The cycle is mostly made up of documentaries, but also introduces several fiction titles; two of them directed by filmmaker Roberto Pérez Toledo, recently deceased, whose prolific career was committed to the theme of this cycle of films, so the screenings are also in tribute to him.

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