Cultural activities

Wine and Culture: A Culture To Provide

Wine and Culture: A Culture To Provide Alvaro Fern‡ndez Prieto

In Spain, wine is not only drunk, it is also lived. It is part of the big celebrations and small day-to-day ceremonies. 

We invite you to learn more about the wine culture of Spain during this 30-minute talk - followeb by a tasting - that will take us on a journey through the centuries to discover how wine has permeated the Spanish literature and plastic arts. 

At the same time we will get to know a unique geographical and social landscape, and the exciting lives of those who, with their dedication, have turned winemaking into an art. The talk will be followed by the tasting Spanish Wine Academy Extreme Spain, with sommelier Eamonn Cunningham, a tasting of five wines which represents the diversity and varied climates of Spain. 

18:30 h - Welcome
18:40 – 19:10 - Talk, Andrés Pascual
19:10-20:20 h - Wine tasting, Eamonn Cunningham
20:20 – 20:30 h - Q & A

Andrés Pascual (Logroño, 1969), writer and lecturer, has received, among others, the 2016 Alfonso X el Sabio Historical Novel Prize and the 2017 Urano Prize for Personal Growth. He has traveled over sixty countries looking for settings for his books, which have sold half a million copies and have been translated into nine languages. His works A merced de un dios salvaje and El beso del ángel, set in the world of Rioja wineries -his homeland-, have given rise to tourist routes through the region's wine sceneries and have led him to to star in multiple initiatives in which he merges his passion for wine and literature. 

Although a life long wine enthusiast Eamonn Cunningham has only quite recently turned his passion into a career.  He completed WSET 2 and will be enrolling for level 3 early next year. Cunningham also has a BA in Geography from the National University of Ireland Galway, which played its part in stirring his interest and passion for viticulture and the geography of wine if you will! He currently work for an amazing importer, wholesaler, and retailer, WinesDirect and he’s the Retail Manager at their headquarters. 

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