Cultural activities

History Time

History Time Fotografía: Kino Rebelde

The production of informative documentaries in Spain experienced a unique boom from the end of the last century and has continued with a remarkable presence at festivals and as part of TV and streaming services programming. The narrative capacity of these documentaries to address the current concerns of a society has connected with an audience interested in being informed. 

The concern for memory has played an essential role in informative documentaries. Several documentaries have come out of their usual niche on the small screen or the festival circuit to become a benchmark for rethinking questions about our recent past. This is undoubtedly a trend that can also be seen in other countries, as shown by two of the documentaries included in this series: one made in Argentina and the other in Peru, both dealing with other ways of approaching the past. 

This programme is a first collaboration with the Valladolid International Film Week (SEMINCI), a Spanish festival leader for this kind of contents thanks to its ‘History Time’ section. The festival has selected four titles to approach and rethink the past.

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