Cultural activities

Te estoy amando locamente. LGTBI+ short film serie

Te estoy amando locamente. LGTBI+ short film serie Marvin & Wayne

During the month of July, the Vimeo channel of the Instituto Cervantes, in collaboration with the film distributor Marvin & Wayne, will host eight different stories by eight filmmakers with a very personal look and work in the cycle «Te estoy amando locamente. LGTBI+ short film series», which takes its name from the song popularized by Las Grecas in the 70s. The short films that make up this cycle present us with personal stories, reflections, testimonies and portraits that direct our gaze towards realities that are underrepresented in cinema -and, it could be said, in all artistic manifestations-: they are stories that deal, especially but not only, with gender identity, homosexual love and transsexuality. At the formal level, the variety of cinematographic proposals is quite remarkable: the spectator will find languages ranging from experimental -as in the case of SNAP- to documentary as an archeological exercise -as in Una dedicatoria a lo bestia- through the portrayal of tender and endearing characters who do not ignore the harshness of their realities, such as Alma or Victor XX. «Te estoy amando locamente. LGTBI+ short film series» is made up of eight brave short films, like the silent exercises of resistance and rebellion of the inmates of the internment center shown in Una dedicatoria a lo bestia. Like that song, Te estoy amando locamente (I'm loving you madly), which perhaps expressed a desire that some - like many who preceded and followed them - could never express except from silence, the short films in this cycle break that silence with vibrant, fresh proposals of full artistic and human relevance.

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