Cultural activities

Spanish Theater Creators

Spanish Theater Creators Javier del Real

Instituto Cervantes, in collaboration with the The Royal Theater, is programming a series of recordings of operas and ballets produced with the Royal Theater’s resident choir and orchestra. The Royal Theater is an opera house in Madrid, Spain, inaugurated in 1850 and reopened in 1997. It is considered the highest institution of the performing and musical arts in the country and one of the most prestigious opera houses in Europe.

Under its curatorship, the work of the best Spanish stage directors is presented in a series of titles that combine lyrical classics with reference works within the Spanish-themed repertoire such as Fuenteovejuna and Carmen by the company of Antonio Gades, El amor brujo by Manuel de Falla in ballet version by the company of Victor Ullate. Mauricio Sotelo with his opera El público, based on Lorca's text and with great flamenco figures in his cast, and Luis de Pablo, whose El abrecartas with a libretto by Vicente Molina Foix will be performed, are the two operas by current Spanish composers that can be seen in the cycle. Tosca, by Puccini, directed by Nuria Espert, will also be performed.

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