Madrid, a culinary history. Meet the writer María Paz Moreno
As the capital city of Spain, Madrid is nowadays considered one of the most interesting “food towns” in the world. This is perhaps due to the wide variety of specialty dishes that its cuisine boasts, ranging from the old-fashioned and traditional to the modern. To get a closer look at the gastronomic importance of Madrid, we launch the book by María Paz Moreno who reviews its culinary history from the historical origins and the evolution of Madrid’s cuisine, exploring major trends, most innovative chefs, restaurants and dishes, and telling the story of this fascinating city from the point of view of a food lover. María Paz Moreno is a poet, essayist and literary critic. She holds a Licenciatura in Spanish Philology from the Universidad de Alicante and a Ph.D. In Spanish Literature from The Ohio State University. She is Full Professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures at the University of Cincinnati. Her research focuses on Spanish contemporary poetry and the connections between food and culture. She is the author of landmark works on the writer Juan Gil-Albert, among them El culturalismo en la poesía de Juan Gil-Albert and the edition of his complete poetry with Editorial Pre-Textos. She is the Editor of the Cincinnati Romance Review monographic issue Writing about Food: Culinary Literature in the Hispanic World (2012). She is also the author of De la página al plato. El libro de cocina en España, and Madrid: A Culinary History, books considered by critics to be groundbreaking studies on the topic of Spanish Food Studies. She has published nine books of poetry and has been included in numerous anthologies. Her latest book is Amiga del monstruo, published by Ed. Renacimiento (Sevilla, Spain) in 2020.