Cultural activities

Female Space. Pioneers

Female Space. Pioneers Instituto Cervantes (Lola Montero). Foto de Valentín Javier

"Espacio Femenino" is, since 2010, a permanent programme of the Instituto Cervantes dedicated to female culture, which usually includes recent films that serve as a sample of cinematographic production directed by women. This year, for the first time, the series focuses on women who made their debut as film directors from the 1950s to the 1980s and, therefore, were pioneers in the history of Spanish cinematography. The six films that make up the programme this year do not only show the work and aesthetic proposals of the pioneering women whose names we recover: each film represents an extremely interesting portrait and a particular look at the Spain of its time. Female Space. Pioneers is in 2021 -when the Instituto Cervantes celebrates its 30th anniversary- the best letter of presentation of the talent of five hard-working filmmakers, who shot their films from honesty and commitment despite the fact that the times played against them.

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