Cultural activities

The shortest day: Zinebi, a lucid dream

The shortest day: Zinebi, a lucid dream Imagen: Paco Cavero (Coordinadora del Cortometraje) Diseño: Lola Montero (Instituto Cervantes)

The Shortest Day [ED+C] is the celebration of a format of enormous creativity and strength within contemporary cinema. Coinciding with the shortest days of the year, the Cervantes Institute has managed to bring together the best proposals for 2024 on its Vimeo channel to join this international party.  

< div>Always hand in hand with the institutions and festivals that refer to short films, in 2024 we present a program curated by the Bilbao International Documentary and Short Film Festival, Zinebi, one of the festivals leading Spanish film directors, whose career spanning more than sixty-five years demonstrates their work and commitment to short films.  

The four titles that make up the exhibition They force us to open expectations regarding cinema itself by offering a panorama of stories and imaginaries that navigate between the abstract and almost fantastic power of its images and the certainty that the reality of the stories they tell forcefully provides.


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