Cultural activities

Theatrum Mundi

Theatrum Mundi Consorcio Festival Teatro Clásico de Mérida

The expression “Theatrum Mundi” is a literary cliché that understands the reality where we live as a stage where we are all actors representing our different roles throughout our lives. Our position is decided based on the situation we live in, we do not matter because of what we are but because of the role we represent. 

 The Architecture of the Classic Theatre of Mérida, as a living and universal stage with more than 2000 years old,stands as the architectural archetype of what theatre buildings were like in Roman times. The quality and authenticity of the archaeological remains that have come to us, the success in the different restorations allow us to enjoy the Roman space in the Classical Theatre Festivals of Mérida, their better knowledge allows us to better value this Architectural jewel.

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