Cultural activities

Titus Andronicus

Titus Andronicus Consorcio Festival Teatro Clásico de Mérida

Within the framework of the opening of the exhibition "Theatrum Mundi", which compiles unpublished images and historical plans of the Roman Theatre of the city of Mérida, will take place this scenic performance.

Bugles and drums. Titus, who returns triumphant to Rome, enters accompanied by his son Lucius who carries a funeral urn with the remains of his brothers. Saturinus bursts onto the scene, wielding his succession rights after the death of his father to be elected as the new emperor, against the position of the majority of the people in favor of Titus.

Titus argues his need to rest and convinces the Roman people to appoint Saturinus as the new Emperor of Rome. To celebrate it the imperial family meets in a hunt in which the betrayals will crown the great tragedy. Basianus, Saturinus' brother, is assassinated by the Gothic princes and they blame Titus' sons for the murder.

Titus pleads for his sons, Quintus and Martius, before senators and tribunes, but no one listens or heeds him, but the worst is yet to come? In the midst of all the confusion, Lavinia, Titus' only daughter, appears in the middle of the forest, half naked, bloody, with both amputations on her hands and with her tongue also severed.

Tito, broken with grief, prepares his revenge...

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