Viva! Compañía Manuel Liñán
A generous and seductive performer of dizzying power, Manuel Liñán has long been praised for the showmanship and sincerity with which he breaks the rules of fl amenco. ¡VIVA! features male dancers clad in traditionally female co umes, exposing the many identity expressions alive within every human body. In a celebratory key, Liñán proposes the plurality of flamenco dance, through both its di erent forms and singularity. VIVA! is a song to the freedom of movement, where the feminine is embraced from the masculine body as its own; where gender roles, in a codifi ed world like fl amenco, are broken with joy and enjoyment, creating new terrains that, although unexplored, are not di ant. Six bailaores (dancers), are in charge of exploring and diving in to this fascinating universe, exposing these two identities, which are part of our own nature.