Cultural activities

The Inclusive Lens: Bringing disability in focus

On the occasion of Disability Awareness Week, Instituto Cervantes of New Delhi in collaboration with the Embassy of Spain and the Embassy of Finland will develop a series of activities on this theme, on July 26th and 27th, 2024.

The cinematic world, globally, has seldom found the motivation to represent people with varying bodily abilities. While people living with disabilities have features as supporting characters, they are rarely the centre of the universes in which the story is based. The mentions are rather tokenistic, and the few storylines that do manage to get financed with lead characters living with a disability often walk foreseeable pathways to the climax, and, more often than not, redemption is sought in winning a competition. The mundaneness of these characters is never explored, nor are complex storylines, and disability ends up becoming the only defining feature of their identity.

To talk about this lacuna in the visual medium and the changing nature of films that aim to be inclusive, speakers from various walks of life come together for the film series dedicated to the disabled followed by an exciting round table and talks on the state of the disabled in the country. The roundtable will be moderated by Hardik Dua from the ETI Foundation.

 This organization was founded with the aspiration of helping the most vulnerable and marginalized by guaranteeing access to health and empowerment opportunities. ETI works closely with stakeholders, including communities and governments, taking into account the holistic perspective of learning and growth along the way. There will also be a pupeteer show by the Kayakalp group.

Programme 26.07.2024

16:00 h - Inauguration

16:20 h - Panel Discussion - Hardik Dua (moderator)

17:00 - Screening of the movie Campeones

Programme 27.07.2024

16:00 h - Screening of the movie - The Blind Man who did not want to see Titanic

17:30 h - Pupeteer show (by the group Kayakalp)

18:00 h - Movie screening - Margarita with a Straw. Post the screening, there Will be an online interview with the Director of the movie.

20:20 - Closure of the event

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