Cultural activities


Habanastation Habanastation

Habanastation is a 2011 Cuban drama film directed by Ian Padrón, and starring Claudia Alvariño Díaz. Filmed in a slum in western Havana, the film addresses inequalities in Cuba through the relationship between two children of different social strata. The film was selected as the Cuban entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 84th Academy Awards. 

 Sinopsis: Mayito gets lost during the May 1st march and arrives in a marginal neighborhood near the Plaza de la Revolución known as La Tinta. Here he meets a schoolmate who until then had been a total stranger to him. This will be the main setting where Mayito will discover the other Cuba in which Carlos lives, well away from his luxurious house in Miramar, through an adventure where they see themselves united and identified in a common story.

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