Is literature useful for anything?
Tribuna de Hispanistas indios
In this new session of the conference series part of the Forum of Indian Hispanists, Prof. Madhuvan Sharma, will tell us about his point of view on the usefulness and purpose of literature.
Madhuvan in his own words says that literature is not my thing. It never has been. Or that's what I think when I see people who are really famous for what they write or what they appreciate. The way I see it, literature is something that some intelligent-looking people “practice” among their circles, which people like me would never be able to enter. Or understand. In fact, outsiders like me think that literature has to do with reading or writing or both, but at such high levels that we cannot even dream of achieving. I also read and write. But my writings are not worth reading and my readings are not worth mentioning. They are both vulgar and low. And chaotic. But is that true? Is that really what literature really represents? I want to take you along with me to observe my romance with words and so that you give me your verdict.