IA ha venido para quedarse: Harnessing the power of AI in our language curriculum, teaching and language classrooms
AI is rapidly changing working and thinking in our daily lives. The language profession is no different. This presentation will invite language educators to explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) when enhancing inclusive curriculum design, diverse teaching practices, and engaging language classroom activities. As AI technology continues to evolve, it offers innovative tools that can support language learning, such as personalized learning pathways and individual feedback and tutoring. However, AI integration also raises concerns regarding effectiveness, ethics and teacher roles. Through sampling of assignments, assessments, equitable grading and AI use policies, we will discuss and identify practical ideas and resources to enhance our teaching practices. Eva Rodríguez González is an Associate Professor at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of New Mexico (UNM)- USA. She teaches graduate seminars on Second language acquisition and Applied Linguistics. She has extensive experience training in college language instruction. She is currently Special Assistant to Dean College of Arts and Sciences for Outcomes and Assessment at UNM. She has published articles on language teaching, metacognitive learning strategies and Spanish-English processing of adult bilinguals. She has recently led the edition of a book on alternative JEDI/DEIJ assessments entitled “Language Assessment in multilingual settings: Innovative practices across formal and informal environments” (2022).