Cultural activities

Copep-mar y el globo verde (Copep-mar and the green balloon)

Copep-mar y el globo verde (Copep-mar and the green balloon) Nick Chaffe

Copep-mar and his brother Nauplio were copepods, the most abundant marine insect in the oceans. During the day, they swam through the deep water, and went to the surface at night to feed.

One night, they saw something green floating in the air near the surface of the sea. It was not seaweed; it was a green balloon. Three nights before, Copep-mar's mother had gone to the surface to feed and had eaten something she thought was seaweed, but it was a microplastic from a balloon. This had made her mother very sick. The next night, they went back to the surface to try to find something to cure the mother and found a scientist.

The scientist was particularly concerned about microplastics in the sea, and took some water samples to study them in-depth. He also brought Copep-mar's parents to his lab. After photographing the copepods to see, through their transparent guts, whether they had ingested microplastics, he put them in an aquarium. Then she put them in a very nice aquarium and gave them algae to eat. Gradually, the mother managed to eliminate the microplastics through her faeces. Every day, the scientist took pictures of them and wrote everything down in a notebook. When the mother got better, the scientist returned her to the sea and continued his work against microplastics.

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