Cultural activities

Juan Luis Cebrián; Spain, 1978 - 2020: A Democratic Memoir

Juan Luis Cebrián; Spain, 1978 - 2020: A Democratic Memoir Juan Luis Cebrián - Madariaga Series - Oxford University

Juan Luis Cebrián is a journalist and businessman; he was the first director of El País, the most important, read and influential newspaper in Spain. Later he was the CEO of PRISA, one of the most important media groups in the Spanish-speaking world. He is one of the most influential personalities in Spain and Latin America, and he was a key actor during the years of Spain’s transition to democracy. He is also a writer, and a member of the Spanish Royal Academy. In this conversation with Ignacio Peyró, Mr. Cebrián will share his invaluable insights about Spain’s transition to democracy and present-day Spain’s political and social situation. Presentations will be made by Prof Juan Carlos Conde.

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