Cultural activities

Thieves of Ink

Thieves of Ink Marta Villarte

Let's celebrate the enjoyment of books and reading. This April 23rd we’ll meet writer Alfonso Mateo-Sagasta and illustrator José María Gallego, in conversation with Hispanist Silvia Arroyo, as part of the programme of the Cork World Book Fest and in celebration of the World Book Day. 

Together, we will delve into the stories, characters and times of the novel Ladrones de tinta, set in the Spanish Golden Age (XV-XVII). A lively chat awaits us, coupled with the reading of fragments of the novel in the voice of its author and live drawing by the hand of its illustrator. 

A complete immersion in the times of Miguel de Cervantes and his most celebrated character, Don Quixote! 

Artists bios
José María Gallego is one of the great Spanish cartoonists of today. Together with Julio Rey, he has published daily strips in the press for almost forty years, for which they have been awarded outstanding prizes in the journalistic and graphic humour sectors. Since 2010, he has also dedicated himself to illustrating books where he can express himself in a more artistic way. 

Alfonso Mateo-Sagasta is a Spanish historian and writer. To date, he has published numerous stories and articles, three essays and eight novels, including the trilogy starring Isidoro Montemayor: Ladrones de tinta (Thieves of Ink) (2004), El gabinete de las maravillas (The Cabinet of Wonders) (2006) and El reino de los hombres sin amor (The Kingdom of Men Without love) (2014). He will soon publish La caída de la Monarquía Católica. Crónica de 1808-1837 (NationThe fall of the Catholic Monarchy. Chronicle of 1808-1837) (2022). 

Silvia Arroyo graduated in English Philology from the University of Granada, and completed her postgraduate studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, in the field of Spanish Golden Age literature. Following her Ph.D., she worked at Mississippi State University for seven years. For the past two years, she has been a lecturer in Spanish language and literature at University College Cork. Her research focuses on the intersections of Golden Age’s science and literature, and she has published articles in renowned journals on visual technologies, astronomy and astrology in the golden theater, on the construction of female identity, and on monstrosity.

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