Cultural activities


Ezohikoak Alejandra Bueno

Working with archival photographs, animated film-maker Alejandra Bueno reinterprets the role of women in Basque culture, combining the manipulation of the archived images with a spoken enumeration of the functions traditionally attributed to women. The result is a provocative demonstration of how to embrace and reverse elements of tradition and its representation to reveal its faults and lay bare those aspects that are no longer feasible or sustainable. In the process, we witness new representations of gender and sexual options, blown open by the critical discourse of this short film.

Synopsis: The concept of the Basque matriarchy has persisted to the present day; but is it real? It sounds very nice, but sometimes history is not as we have been told, so this short film presents a more recent version of reality using a collage of images.

Photo Gallery


Ezohikoak Trailer-a from Alejandra Bueno on Vimeo.

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