Cultural activities

20 Years of Comics

20 Years of Comics Grupo Duende

An exhibition of Spanish comics from the recent years.

The Instituto de la Juventud (Injuve) created the Injuve Comics Awards at the end of the 1990s with the purpose of giving visibility to the projects of young artists who wanted to make comics an art medium with its own entity and specific formats, themes and techniques. The Instituto Cervantes Dublin presents this exhibition at the Galway Cartoon Festival and later at the LexIcon, Dún Laoghaire, in order to explore and promote the comic culture in Spain. The exhibition showcases the artwork of the winners from the very first edition of the competition in 1998 up until 2018. The curator of the exhibition, Gerardo Vilches, has selected one author per year and each chosen author is presenting two works (one from the past, which was awarded the prize, and a current one), so the spectator will be presented with the past and present of the Spanish comics creation through 20 authors and 40 works. 


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