Imágenes y Revuelta: la gráfica del 68. A Virtual Exhibition
The 1968 student movement produced a body of images that accompanied marches and rallies, which were deployed on other media in public spaces. The graphics strengthened the voice of the protest and united a new visual imaginary for the student movement.
Gráfica del 68. Strong images show the complete collection of the MUAC, which was gathered by the members of the Mira Group and later donated to the University Heritage by Arnulfo Aquino.
These posters and banners are a visual testimony to the demands of the movement and their respective iconographic bodies. They were conceived to act and be consumed in the public sphere. For this reason, the exhibition integrates photography and moving images, which makes it clear how the graphics were inscribed in different spaces.
Amanda de la Garza. Mexico. Curator and art historian.
Amanda is currently the General Director of Visual Arts and of the Contemporary Art University Museum of UNAM. She studied the Specialty and Master in Anthropology of Culture at the UAM, Iztapalapa unit, and the Master in Art History-Curatorial Studies at UNAM. Her professional practice has focused on video installation, historical curation and archival exhibitions. From 2012 to 2019, de la Garza served as adjunct curator at MUAC. She has curated exhibitions by renowned artists in collaboration with Cuauhtémoc Medina, such as Harun Farocki, Hito Steyerl, Vicente Rojo and Jeremy Deller, and individually, Isaac Julien and Jonas Mekas, among others. She has developed an independent practice both in Mexico and abroad, from the interdisciplinary intersections between contemporary art, literature, contemporary dance and documentary photography. De la Garza was co-curator of the XVII Photography Biennial of the Center for the Image and Readings of a Fractured Territory, the first revision of the contemporary art collection of the Amparo Museum. She has published numerous essays, interviews and reviews in catalogs, books and specialized magazines.
Álvaro Vázquez Mantecón
He is a Doctor in Art History and is a full-time professor/researcher at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco. In addition, Vázquez Mantecón is author of several works on politics and culture in twentieth-century Mexico. Vázquez Mantecón has also worked on various museum projects, including The era of discrepancy, art and visual culture in Mexico, 1968-1997 (2006); The investigation and curation of the Memorial del 68 (2007); The exhibition Cinema and revolution (2010); Images of Cardenismo (2011); Challenge to Stability: Artistic Processes in Mexico, 1952-1967 (2014); and Graciela Iturbide: Avándaro (2017). His books include Literary Origins of a Film Archetype: film adaptations to Santa by Federico Gamboa (2005), Memorial del 68 (2007) and Super 8 cinema in Mexico, 1970-1989 (2012). In addition, he is the co-author of Variations on ethnographic cinema: Between anthropological documentation and aesthetic experimentation (2017).