Cultural activities

Reading with Angela Vallvey

Reading with Angela Vallvey Angela Vallvey

At this book club meeting we will talk to Ángela Vallvey Arévalo about her book Tarta de almendras con amor. Ángela is a poet and novelist. She works as a journalist in various press, radio and television media. Her books include A la caza del último hombre salvaje, translated by prestigious European publishers, Los estados carenciales (Nadal Prize 2002), No lo llames amor, Todas las muñecas son carnívoras and La ciudad del diablo (Ciudad de Cartagena Prize of Historic Novel 2006), all published by Ediciones Destino. In 2017 she published the novel Tarta de almendras con amor (Suma de Letras), which reflects the author's concern about current issues such as food, bullying and disease. With it, she has been a finalist for the Troa Prize for Books with Values 2017. Her books have been translated into seventeen languages. She is the recipient of the Community of Madrid Culture Award 2018

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