Cultural activities

The dificult emancipation on women

Two films about women who thought they were weak until they have to learn to be strong. Two fragile women, alone, who face death, illness, and with it their past, their decisions, their fears. But also to the future. And above all, two films about the price that a woman has to pay (still today) for her independence, and about how even today, professional success seems to impede personal well-being, as if women could only choose between two ways: or done or alone.

I can not say goodbye is a film about the return to origin, which in Spain is almost always a small town, with the consequent look in front of the past, mistakes and misunderstandings. Lino Escalera's film shows how few current films the weight that the family has had in Spanish society, a weight that is often frustrating, and how that weight has fallen on women who, having struggled to be considered victorious, have been left alone. in his fight Gary Cooper, who is in heaven was one of the first Spanish films to show a woman clearly liberated, autonomous, fighter, but also clearly alone. In this balance of achievements and shortcomings, Pilar Miró (in a film with an explicit autobiographical background) shows how difficult it was for a woman to escape from the destiny that Franco's society advocated to become something like a free woman.

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