Cultural activities

Life is a bitch

 Life is a bitch LAFF

The Cervantes Institute of Sydney is the Sydney headquarters of the 15th Edition of the Latin American Film Festival in Australia organized in collaboration with the embassies of Latin American countries with presence in Australia. The audience can enjoy 14 films in original version and with English subtitles from 14 countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Guatemala, Peru and Argentina.

In the opening session we will be able to enjoy welcome words offered by the Brazilian Embassy in Australia and the screening of the Brazilian film "Life is a Bitch/ Como É Cruel Viver Assim (Brazil)". After the movie we will offer a cocktail to the attendees.

Synopsis of the film: Lonely, frustrated and unable to do anything to make sense of their lives, Vladimir, Clivia, Regina and Primo make an absurd plan: kidnap a millionaire. But they have no experience with crime or the notion of what it implies. As they progress, their fears and ambitions are revealed. The drama and fine humor are cleverly combined in this unusual story filmed in Rio, but that could happen anywhere.

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