Cultural activities

Picasso, Lorca and Dali: Revealing the Queer Themes in their Work.

Picasso, Lorca and Dali: Revealing the Queer Themes in their Work. IC

The lecture will provide a nuanced insight into Picasso’s intimate association with Paris’ queer community, which led to his transformation as an artist with groundbreaking works featuring gender-bending sexuality. Delving deeply into Garcia Lorca’s intimate relationship with Dali, the lecture will shed light on Lorca's vivid portrayal of queer desire in his writings and drawings alongside Dali's provocative surrealist masterpieces, which subtly hint at his own exploration of sexual identity. Ignacio Darnaude is an art scholar, lecturer, writer, and film producer renowned for his expertise in deciphering the intricate creative codes utilized by queer artists to express their forbidden desires during repressive times. His acclaimed lecture series, "Hiding in Plain Sight – Breaking the Queer Code in Art" was recently honored with the coveted Arts Grant from the City of West Hollywood.

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