The Truth Behind the Noise: Scientific Fake News and its Impact on Society
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Cervantes Institute joins forces with ECUSA to celebrate this day with a talk related to fake news and science.
In a world where information circulates faster than ever, fake news has found fertile ground to distort public perception of science. From misinformation about viruses, the spread and frequency of diseases, to misconceptions about neuroimmunology, to erroneous beliefs about artificial intelligence, the effects of these erroneous messages can have a significant impact on society and informed decision making.
In this panel discussion, a leading group of scientists from diverse disciplines will explore how fake news about science emerges and spreads, what consequences it has on our daily lives, and what strategies we can implement to combat it. Join us to reflect on the importance of science communication and the essential role of truth in the advancement of our society.