Cultural activities

The Golden Age of the Jews of Alandalus

The Golden Age of the Jews of Alandalus IC

The exciting round trip from Alandalus to the Guenizah of Cairo from the texts of Maimonides among others.

The Jewish community of Alandalus was one of the most prosperous of all those that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. Names of diplomats like Ibn Shaprut, poets like Ibn Gabirol or Judah Halevi, or thinkers like Maimonides still resonate in the collective imagination, besides being very relevant and present figures in the contemporary Jewish world. This cultural splendor was always linked to the economic bonanza derived from the Mediterranean commercial networks consolidated by the Umayyad dynasty during its reign of almost three centuries in Cordoba and exploited by the Taifas and the Almoravid and Almohad sovereigns who ruled Alandalus.

The exhibition "The Golden Age of the Jews of Alandalus" will be presented during the talk. This exhibit will be inaugurated on April 11th at the American Sephardic Federation.
