Cultural activities

Zinegoak 20th anniversary. LGTBIQ+ animation

Zinegoak 20th anniversary. LGTBIQ+ animation Imagen: Estela Osorio. Diseño: Lola Montero

The Instituto Cervantes maintains its programming dedicated to LGTBIQ+ identities, collaborating with institutions and monographic festivals in the visibility of their film series.

This year, the program dedicated to accompanying the celebration of LGTBIQ+ Pride Day was born from the hand of the Basque festival Zinegoak, which celebrates its twenty years of existence with us with the presentation on our Vimeo channel of an animated film series whose films address this theme.

Throughout four weeks, we will be able to see short films that show us stories of all kinds of LGTBIQ+ identities and groups through the different techniques that animation promotes, and we will also have the opportunity to enjoy several shorts by young creators made in Basque.

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