New cinephilias
«New cinephilias» is a collaboration between the Instituto Cervantes and the Seville European Film Festival, which is very receptive to showing the most risky and less commercial Spanish cinema. This film series, co-organized by both institutions, has been developed since 2018 to be the best showcase for a new Spanish cinema, which thanks to this initiative reaches screens in all latitudes, demonstrating the vitality of Spanish cinematography. This year, the cycle presents four contemporary Spanish movies, which, due to their language and their themes, could not have been made before, and there are four films that include a memory of the past in their own bodies. They are films that innovate, take risks and play with contemporary structures and narratives, but that at the same time update the legacy of the history of cinema, and even of Spanish cinema. These four films open a path, at the same time that others already open pass through and, in this way, create new parameters so that the new moviegoers of today, and those of tomorrow, can understand, from the cinema, the changes that are taking place in a society that seems to be constantly changing.