Cultural activities

Makun ("Do not Cry")

Makun ("Do not Cry") Emilio Martí

The creative trajectory of Emilio Martí evidences the commitment to those social issues that exhibit the problems of coexistence and solidarity of today's society. Since his short film Desanimado (2011), winner of countless awards, his work has not stopped betting on a lively and effective story in its didactic and emotional pretensions, always using animation as an expressive key. With this short film, also very award-winning, he brings us closer to the harsh reality of the Detention Centers for Foreigners (CIE) and the personal experiences of immigrants.

Synopsis: Makun ('Do not cry') is an animated documentary film made from the drawings found on the walls of the CIE del Matorral, on the Canary Island of Fuerteventura, and the testimonies of three people who arrived in Spain "without papers", in a boat or after a long and difficult journey through several countries.

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TRAILER MAKUN from Emilio Martí López on Vimeo.

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