Modern Literatures in Spain
Instituto Cervantes in Manchester and Leeds, in collaboration with the Durham University, introduce the third edition of "Ex Libris: Publications in Hispanic Studies", coordinated by Professor H. Rosi Song (Durham University), to promote new publications about Hispanic Studies. Fourth session: Modern Literatures in Spain, by Jo Labanyi, Luisa Elena Delgado, Helena Buffery, Kirsty Hooper, Mari Jose Olaziregi. Jo Labanyi and Luisa Elena Delgado provide the first cultural history of modern literatures in Spain. With contributors Helena Buffery, Kirsty Hooper, and Mari Jose Olaziregi, they showcase the country’s cultural richness and complexity by working across its four major literary cultures – Castilian, Catalan, Galician, and Basque – from the eighteenth century to the present. Engaging critically with the concept of the “national”, Modern Literatures in Spain traces the uneven institutionalization of Spain’s diverse literatures in a context of Castilian literary hegemony, as well as examining diasporic and exile writing . The thematically organized chapters explore literary constructions of subjectivity, gender, and sexuality; urban and rural imaginaries; intersections between high and popular culture; and the formation of a public sphere. Throughout, readings are attentive to the multiple ways in which literature serves as a barometer of cultural responses to historical change. An introduction to major cultural debates as well as an original analysis of key texts, this book is essential reading for students and scholars with an interest in the literatures and cultures of Spain.