Jane, Tarzan ez zen horren guay
This reinterpretation of the famous scene where Tarzan and Jane swim together in the film Tarzan and His Mate (Cedric Gibbons, 1934) fashions a new paradigm out of movement, rhythm and colour.
PhD in Fine Arts, with a thesis on Experimental Animated Film in the Basque Country. She also studied Animation after graduating from the Pilot Studio in Moscow under Tatarski and Sramkowski, and later, at the Vitoria Design Center. As a filmmaker, she directed films like Pregunta por mí (Ask About Me,1997), Haragia/Carne Humana (Flesh, 2000), Beti Bezperako Koplak (Couplets of an Everlasting Eve, 2015 with the collective Agedakoplak), Areka (The Ditch, 2016 with the collective Atxur), Miraila (Mirror, 2017 with the collective Armintxe), and En la luna (Dreamming Away, 2018, with the collective Hauazkena). All of these have been screened and awarded at national and international festivals, including the Goya prize, First prize at the Madrid Festival of Experimental Cinema, and the First Prize of Basque Cinema at Zinebi Festival. In addition to numerous articles and papers, she has written several books on animation, including Breve historia del cine de animación experimental vasco (1998 - Semana de Cine Experimental de Madrid); Mamá, quiero ser artista: entrevistas a mujeres del cine de animación (I. Herguera, B. Vicario - 2004 - Ocho y Medio), and Sistiaga, el trazo vibrante (2008-Animadrid, Animadrid, Festival internacional de cine de animación). Begoña Vicario teaches the BA and Master levels of Contemporary Art (MACTP) at the Faculty of Fine Arts, UPV/EHU. She also participates in various research projects and has published three renowned research sexenials. She currently coordinates the animation group Hauazkena, where she works on two new film projects and collaborates with various artists, including Josu Rekalde in the videoart project Denboraren Hariak -endowed with the prestigious Multiverso scholarship-, and the Akmeka IT1278-19 research group.