Cultural activities

Sofia's New World

Sofia's New World Ciencia-me un cuento

Instituto Cervantes in Manchester continue its series to promote children's literacy skills Tell me a Story. This term, we read the stories of the book Science-me a story, and in this session teacher Magaly Flores will read El nuevo mundo de Sofía (Sofia's New World), by Jesús Victorino Santos.

"The smoke was coming down in the stone chimney. 'How strante' thought Sofía. Above the chimney two large windows opened up, and right at the top a wooden door and a paved path to the water appeared. 'It's upside down', she said to herself quietly. The sun was shining brightly on the pond and some ducklings clumnsily entered the water...".

Join us and discover the fantastic park of the world that surrounds Sofia.

In collaboration with Manchester City of Literature and Read Manchester - National Literacy Trust.

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