Poetry Club. Third edition
Instituto Cervantes in Manchester and Leeds organise a Poetry Club to bring together the best poets from different Spanish-speaking countries. A journey through the best literature in Spanish by authors such as Elena Medel, Mercedes Cebrián, Graciela Baquero and Berta García Faet, who found meaning to their world through words. Diana Cullell is Professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Liverpool and specialist in Spanish and Catalan literature and culture. She has published on different authors and literary movements, with an interest in new forms of poetry and its new interpretations; contemporary Spanish and Catalan poetry; representations of the body in literature or the Spanish poetry market from 1980 to the present. His publications include La perfopoesía española en el siglo XXI: una revolución poética (Madrid: Amargord, 2019); Spanish Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology(Manchester University Press, 2014); or La Poesía de la Experiencia Española de Finales del Siglo XX al XXI (Madrid: Devenir, 2010).