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How they saw us: Spanish books in the 18th Century’s England

 How they saw us: Spanish books in the 18th Century’s England pixabay

The image of Spain in Europe during the 18th century continues to be full of clichés and stereotypes having their root in the different European literary sources, particularly those of French and English. For this reason, the idea now is to address the subject from a different perspective, namely, from the bibliographic perspective.

In order to do so, we will see how Europe and British people saw the Spanish people,  through a comparative Bibliography exercise between Paris and London during the XVIII century. This is a view that will definitely serve us not only to understand the past, outlining the “Image” of Spain in the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, but to understand the present. 

Nicolas Bas Martín is the main lecturer at the Department of Science History and Documentation in the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology at the University of Valencia. He has released more than ten thousand books, as well as some articles and chapters in some national and international publications. As a researcher he has analysed book’s History during the XVIII century, both in Spain and Europe. In recent years he has worked about the image of Spain in the XVIII century Europe, mainly in Paris and London. His last publication, edited the same day in Holland and given the same title as today’s lecture, Spanish books in the Europe of the Enlightenment (Paris and London). A View from Abroad. 

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