Actividades culturales

El Greco, pintor de lo invisible

El Greco, pintor de lo invisible CEEH (Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica)

This documentary places El Greco in his historical context as the creator of a new artistic language. Building on his experience as an icon painter, his great achievement was to translate religious mysteries into images that spoke to the people of the 16th and 17th centuries, portraying mystical visions in a way that was recognised even then as innovative. The documentary explains the keys of El Greco's work and how he developed such a personal style, which was to have an enormous influence on modern painting from 1860 onwards.

In a fascinating journey through space and time, viewers will follow the artist from his native Crete, where he painted small devotional images, via his crucial stays in Venice and Rome, where he rubbed shoulders with the masters of the Italian Renaissance, to his definitive home of Toledo in Spain, where he would create enormous altarpieces in churches and convents. His uniquely personal synthesis of Eastern and Western painting techniques produced one of the most original styles in the history of European art.

Miguel Ángel Trujillo was awarded a degree in Cinematography in 1972 by Madrid's Official School of Cinematography (EOC). Since then, he has produced, shot and directed films, documentaries and commercials.

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