Cultural activities

Un hombre llamado Flor de Otoño (A Man Called Flor de Otoño)

Un hombre llamado Flor de Otoño (A Man Called Flor de Otoño) Joseba Prieto

Set in the Barcelona of the 1920s, the character of the transvestite Flor de Otoño (Autumn Flower) is one of the first appearances of a homosexual in Spanish cinematography. His character also exhibits his anarchist ideology, in line with the revolutionary movements of the time, as a call to rebel against the dictatorship.

The historical setting, in addition to the world of cabaret and cuplé (variety entertainment), allows Sacristán to display a fascinating assimilation of the performative and cultural characteristics of this subculture, as well as illuminating the dichotomy of people who lead a double life, like Lluís, the protagonist. Without a doubt, this is a landmark film by director Pedro Olea.

Synopsis: Lluís de Serracant is a young lawyer from a Catalan bourgeois family, this does not prevent him from leading a surprising double life: during the day he deals with the matters of his work as a jurist; at night he transforms himself into Flor de Otoño, who is a well-known transvestite who performs in a small Barcelona cabaret.

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