Cultural activities

Routes of the Spanish exiles in London. Itinerary 2

Routes of the Spanish exiles in London. Itinerary 2 Instituto Cervantes Londres

London was the capital of exile for many Spaniards, the other homeland. Protestants and liberals wandered through it and, a century later, this London saw the end of the Civil War and the exiled republicans suffered the bombings of the Second World War. In order to get to know the Spanish presence in Britain and to thank them for their contribution to Spanish culture and to the memory of all of us, we will visit the places where they lived and worked and, following in their footsteps, we will delve into their experiences and secrets.

On this walk, we will focus on the North and South of Hyde Park. We will see where Rafael Martinez Nadal, Gregorio Prieto, Luis Cernuda and Arturo Duperier lived and worked. In Bayswater, the residential neighbourhood to the north of Hyde Park, the Spanish Home and the Chaplaincy were founded. Walking through Kensington Gardens we will find the link between the British and Spanish monarchy, giving us the opportunity to take a look at the Spanish monarchic figure prior to the proclamation of the Second Republic. In South Kensington, we will continue to delve into the memory of our exiles, without forgetting the place where the Spanish Institute in London was founded, considered to be the worthy precursor of the network of Cervantes Institute headquarters, under the direction of a Spanish-English committee

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