Cultural activities

Guitarrísimo: Antonia Jiménez with Alicia Morales and Nasrine Rahmani

Guitarrísimo: Antonia Jiménez with Alicia Morales and Nasrine Rahmani Antonia Jiménez

In Entre Primas, three women are going to take the world on a journey to explore the depths of flamenco with its original compositions, through the guitar of Antonia Jiménez, the voice of Alicia Morales and the percussion of Nasrine Rahmani. As a celebration of the amazing achievements of female artists in this genre, the trio joins Flamenco Festival London with a show, both intimate and expansive, that aims to unveil traditional flamenco flavours from a contemporary perspective.

Antonia Jiménez (El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz) is the most important name among Spanish female flamenco guitarists and composers, after studying with some of the greatest masters of flamenco guitar like Enrique Vargas, Manolo Sanlúcar, Gerardo Núñez or Rafael Riqueni, and playing for singers like Carmen Linares and Juan Pinilla and dancers like Olga Pericet, Belén Maya, Manuel Liñán, Marco Flores, Rocío Molina…

Alicia Morales, is a 'cantaora' that brings alive the purest essence of Granada with an artistic career that has been recognized with the Miguel Hernández Award, after learning with flamenco Maestros such as Antonio Gómez "El Colorao", Luis "El Zambo", Segundo Falcón or Juan Mesas, working with figures such as José Luis Ortiz Nuevo or Miguel Ochando, and playing in different countries, from Russia to the United States, Italy, France or Morocco

Nasrine Rahmani (born in Australia to a Mauritanian mother and Iranian father), a percussionist now recognized in Spain as the highest representative of women in flamenco percussion, that has already played with figures such as Montse Cortés, Jorge Pardo, Diego Guerrero, Carlos de Jacoba or Juanito Makandé, to name just a few. She has been praised for her delicacy, strength and depth of language in improvisation.

The Guitarrísimo series is a cooperation between Instituto Cervantes and ILAMS (Iberian and Latin American Music Society), in collaboration with Flamenco Festival London.

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