Cultural activities

Pride – a festival to celebrate diversity and reclaiming equality

Pride – a festival to celebrate diversity and reclaiming equality Instituto Cervantes

What do you know about the origins of Pride? Do you know what LGBTQI+ stands for? Do you know why the International Day of Pride is celebrated on the 28th June? How would you explain its relevance to society? Can you explain the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity?

What is the main purpose of celebrating Pride? What rights does this collective reclaim? What type of public does it attract? What barriers does this collective face? In what way can these barriers be overcome? What role does education play? What else can be done? How is Pride celebrated in your country?

What effects can its celebration have on different countries? In what ways can the celebration impact other aspects of our lives? What role does new technology play in Pride? What other changes can be acknowledged? What do you know about the position of the Church with regards to the LGBTQI+ community?

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