Reading Ruben Darío
The January Reading Club of the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester and Leeds is dedicated to Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío. A fundamental author of Hispanic letters who was the founder of the Modernist. A literary movement that influenced authors such as Pablo Neruda, Federico García Lorca, César Vallejo, Octavio Paz and Jorge Luis Borges, who declared that "Darío was an innovator in everything: the theme, the vocabulary, the metrics, the particular magic of certain words... We can call him the Liberator". Professor Diana Cullell will analyse the poetry of Rubén Darío with the book Rubén Dario. Selected Poems (Shearmans books, 2020) translated by Adam Feinstein which is available at the Jorge Edwards Library at Instituto Cervantes in Manchester and Leeds. If you want to know more about the poetry of the "Prince of Letters", do not miss our Book Club. Diana Cullell is Professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Liverpool and specialist in Spanish and Catalan literature and culture. She has published on different authors and literary movements, with an interest in new forms of poetry and its new interpretations; contemporary Spanish and Catalan poetry; representations of the body in literature or the Spanish poetry market from 1980 to the present. His publications include La perfopoesía española en el siglo XXI: una revolución poética (Madrid: Amargord, 2019); Spanish Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology (Manchester University Press, 2014); or La Poesía de la Experiencia Española de Finales del Siglo XX al XXI (Madrid: Devenir, 2010).