Cultural activities

Mediterranean Slovenia: The Mediterranean Identity of Slovenia

Mediterranean Slovenia: The Mediterranean Identity of Slovenia Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ireland

Our trip to the Mediterraneo stops at Slovenia, with the presentation of an exhibition organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Ireland, and the support of the Instituto Cervantes Dublin. 

Besides the presentation of the photos showcasing "Slovenia's Mediterranean identity" it will be presented the EMUNI University, also known as the Euro-Mediterranean University that is located in Piran, Slovenia. It is a specialized university focused on fostering cooperation and collaboration in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The mission of EMUNI University is to promote dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region through education, research, and knowledge transfer. It aims to contribute to regional development, cultural exchange, and the resolution of common challenges in various fields. 

This event is part of the programme at the Instituto Cervantes Dublin on the occasion of the Spanish EU Council Presidency.

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