Cultural activities

La Cultura (Culture)

A round-trip performative project to be performed in European cities during the Spanish Presidency of the EU in the second half of 2023. Ireland: 15 December 6 p.m. Cervantes Institute Dublin As part of the cultural programme for the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) has organised a round-trip activity in eight European countries. 

The activity is based on the performance "La Cultura" by the artist duo Los Torreznos, an hour-long work which, by breaking down the material and conceptual elements of what would be a conference, and always sustained by highly intelligent humour, makes the audience reflect on the meaning of what we can understand by culture. To this end, a pair of young artists from the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Ukraine, were selected to take part in a two-week workshop (from 11 to 22 September) at the AECID premises, given by Los Torreznos, to learn, rehearse and adapt the performance "Culture" to their own languages and cultures. 

In the second phase, the performatic duos will perform in their own languages in their places of origin during the second half of 2023, becoming ambassadors of Spanish culture in Europe. 

In Ireland, Laura Gaska and Sasha Carberry Sharma will present their adaptation to English of the performance "La Cultura / Culture.

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