Cultural activities

Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day Patricia Pascual

The Embassy of Spain in Ireland, along with the Embassies of Brazil, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Ukraine, and the USA, is hosting a symposium on the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Day. The event aims to address current human rights issues, with a focus on the challenges democracy and human rights face. This includes the impact of disinformation and misinformation on democratic processes and human rights. 

The symposium strives to highlight the importance of Human Rights Day in advocating for the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, emphasizing the dignity and equality of all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds. 

Several pressing concerns affect the protection of human rights today, with conflicts in regions like Ukraine, Gaza, and Africa exacerbating violations of basic rights, loss of life, displacement, and destruction of communities. A significant connection between climate change and human rights has further arisen over the last decade, as environmental degradation disproportionately affects vulnerable populations. This and violent conflicts particularly, in turn, leads to immigration, which has adverse effects on human rights. 

Moreover, the conference aims to address how technology plays a crucial role in human rights, delving into key issues such as digital rights, privacy concerns, surveillance, and the impact of emerging technologies on civil liberties. The overarching goal is to encourage responsible and inclusive technology use while safeguarding individual freedoms.

Patrick Cox is a former Fine Gael politician, journalist and President of the European Parliament from 2002 to 2004.
Kenneth Thompson is a former Irish career diplomat who has served in a large number of posts abroad.  
Ruairí de Búrca is currently Director General, Development Cooperation and Africa Division, in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland. 
Dr. Mykola Gnatovskyy is Judge of the European Court of Human Rights since 27 June 2022. 
Alyson Kirkpatrick is the Chief Commissioner to the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.
Dr. Salome Mbugua is the CEO of AkiDwA -The Migrant Women’s Network a member of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.
Dr. Declan Downey has been lecturing in Modern European and Asian Legal & Diplomatic History at University College Dublin since 1995.Patricia Simón, reporter, investigative journalist and writer, collaborates with media such as Cadena Ser y El País. 
Adrian Weckler, Tech editor, Irish and Sunday Independent.
Dr Paul Gillespie is a columnist on international affairs and a former foreign policy editor of The Irish Times.
Rushan Abbas is a Uyghur American activist and the founder and executive director of the nonprofit Campaign for Uyghurs. 

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