Cultural activities

Culture Works: Spain

Culture Works: Spain Trinity Access Programmes

Culture Works is a cultural week designed for students of the Trinity Access Programme (TAP) that promotes the values of the European Union, its cultures, and languages.

On this day dedicated to Spain, students will engage in various activities focused on learning the Spanish language and exploring the culture of Spain. These activities include a Spanish language class, an interactive escape room-style activity in the library, and a creative workshop exploring cultural influences and colonialism and decolonization through music, visual art, and biodiversity.

10:00 – 10:20 Welcome & Introduction
10:20 – 11:50 Spanish class & Library visit – escape room
12:00 – 12:45 Lunch breack
12:45 – 14:45 Culture workshop

This event is a collaboration of the Instiuto Cervantes Dublin with Trinity Access Programmes (TAP), the Alliance Française, the Intituto Italiano, the European Commission, and the institution Europe Movement Ireland.
